Range Rules
Hours of Operation: Dawn until Dusk.
General Rules: In addition to these range-specific rules, all General Range Rules apply.
Backstop: Check to make sure that no one is in back of targets. A brook is there for fishing.
Target Shooting: Aim at target only.
Arrow Restriction: No broad heads or field points with springs are to be used on club targets or backstops.
Equipment: The use of bows and cross bows is restricted to the archery ranges only. No firearms shall be discharged on any archery range.
Firing Line: Leave bow on firing line while searching for arrows as a caution to others that someone is down range.
Cleanliness: Police your targets, arrows, and shooting area.
Drugs and Alcohol: DRUGS AND ALCOHOL ARE NOT ALLOWED ON ANY CLUB RANGE. No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall be on any range.